Ushaw Moor Colliery
54.779699, -1.660835
Entry Created:
12 Aug 2022
Last Updated:
12 Aug 2022
Ferens & Love (1860s), Henry Chaytor (1879), Pease & Partners Ltd. (1893), National Coal Board (1947 -)
Description (or HER record listing)
"At Ushaw Moor colliery, not far from Flass Hall, on the north side of the Dearness, is being worked the Busty seam, which contains a band which widens greatly to the west. The top coal is 1 foot 10 inches thick, and the bottom coal 3 feet 6 inches. A drift from this seam to Brockwell, 16 fathoms below, will shortly be opened to work that seam, which is about 3 feet 6 inches thick. This colliery was sunk about 1865, and when fully operating, employs over 500 men and boys. There are a large number of coke ovens, which convert about half the output into coke."
Whellan's 1894 Directory of County Durham via Durham Mining Museum

Ordnance Survey, 1896

Ushaw Moor Colliery yard preparing for the Miners Gala at Durham. Undated, unknown source
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Ushaw Moor Colliery showing chimney demolition in 1935. Source: Original source unknown but retrieved from ushawmoormemories.wordpress.com
Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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